Car Accident

All content in this category is related to car accidents. If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Oregon, please contact an Oregon car accident attorney like Ryan Hilts, Attorney at Law.

Imagine this: you’re driving, maybe a little too quickly or perhaps just lost in thought, when suddenly you’re jarred by the ominous crunch of metal. Your heart races; your palms sweat as reality sets in—you’ve been part of a car wreck, and it’s your fault. In the knee-jerk haze following an accident, amidst the exchange of insurance information and police reports, there looms an important question — should I hire an attorney for this car wreck?

Many drivers grapple with that very question, especially when they believe they are at fault. While common sense might whisper that you should face the music without legal support, there’s more to consider than meets the eye. An attorney does far more than argue your case in court; they navigate the labyrinth of insurance claims, liability assessments, and possible lawsuits that can emerge—even if you think you’re at fault.

In this article we’ll dissect what exactly a car wreck attorney does and whether securing one after causing an accident is a judicious move or an unnecessary expense. We’ll explore factors influencing the need for legal representation and how attorneys can benefit your case even when culpability seems clear-cut against you. By understanding these elements within their broader context—and considering local laws—every driver will have a clearer road map for handling accidents with confidence and strategic savvy.

Table of contents:

  • What Does a Car Wreck Attorney Do?
  • Do I need to get an attorney for a car wreck that was my fault?
  • Factors Influencing the Need for an Attorney
  • Handling Minor Accidents Without Legal Representation
  • The Role of an Attorney in a Lawsuit
  • Conclusion

Injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Contact Car Accident Attorney – Ryan Hilts

Also read: Is Oregon a No Fault State?

What Does a Car Wreck Attorney Do?

What Does a Car Wreck Attorney Do?

Navigating the aftermath of an automobile accident can be both confusing and overwhelming, particularly if you’re at fault. This is where the role of an attorney for car wrecks becomes vital—a beacon in rough legal seas. Let’s delve into what exactly these legal professionals do.

Automotive accident lawyers specialize in the field of law that deals with vehicular mishaps. Their expertise ranges from minor fender-benders to catastrophic collisions involving severe injuries or fatalities. I’ll guide you through their critical roles:

  • Assessment of Legal Positions: Initially, they examine the nitty-gritty details of the incident to understand your potential liabilities and defenses.
  • Communication Expertise: They communicate on your behalf with other parties involved in the wreck—including insurance companies—often known for pushing back against claims.
  • Gathering Evidence: Crucial to any case, lawyers meticulously collect evidence like traffic camera footage, witness statements, and police reports to build a solid defense or reduce your liability.
  • Negotiation Skills: An attorney has honed skills in negotiating settlements to ensure that you don’t end up paying more than necessary, or help recover costs if possible.

Seeking an attorney for car wrecks doesn’t automatically imply guilt; rather it’s about protecting your rights and ensuring fair treatment under the law. They also present options you might not have considered on your own.

In summation, automobile accident lawyers don’t just fight battles in courtrooms; they are advisors, negotiators, and supporters throughout this tumultuous journey. As such, hiring seasoned automotive accident lawyers may greatly influence the direction of your post-accident experience. By doing so, you equip yourself with knowledge and representation pivotal in maneuvering through potential legal repercussions—even when fault seems squarely upon you.

Do I need to get an attorney for a car wreck that was my fault?

Do I need to get an attorney for a car wreck that was my fault?

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be incredibly stressful, especially if you’re at fault. One of the most pressing questions is whether or not to enlist the help of an attorney for a car wreck. It’s essential to understand when legal representation can be beneficial, even if it seems counterintuitive since you were the one who made the mistake.

Initially, you might think being at fault negates the need for legal assistance. After all, isn’t it just about accepting responsibility and moving forward? But let’s consider key reasons why having a lawyer on your side could be invaluable despite your culpability.

  • Counsel On Legal Liability: Even if you believe you’re fully responsible, determining liability can sometimes be quite complex in traffic accidents. There may be circumstances that mitigate your responsibility or other factors revealing shared fault.
  • Negotiations with Insurance Companies: Your insurance company has its interests in mind which often means settling for as little as possible. An experienced attorney helps ensure that your rights are protected and can negotiate more effectively on your behalf.
  • Knowledge of Potential Damages: Subtleties regarding compensatory damages for injuries or property damage are best handled by experts. Your awareness level about what damages could apply to your situation might be limited compared to seasoned lawyers.

It’s also worth mentioning that hiring an attorney does not necessarily imply fighting a battle in court. Often, attorneys help resolve cases through settlements without stepping foot in a courtroom, saving time, stress, and often money in the long run.

In some instances, people worry about further expenses while managing costs associated with their recovery and repairs. However, many attorneys offer contingent fee arrangements where they receive payment only upon successfully procuring a settlement or court award on your behalf.

Remember that getting legal advice doesn’t equate to escaping consequences; it’s about understanding them comprehensively and handling them appropriately. Making an informed decision with sound legal guidance could affect not only your financial well-being but also how smoothly you can navigate through this challenging time after causing an auto accident.

If the accident wasn’t your fault, then consider speaking with an Oregon personal injury attorney

Factors Influencing the Need for an Attorney

Factors Influencing the Need for an Attorney

Deciding whether to enlist the services of lawyers for a car accident when you’re at fault isn’t a decision to take lightly. Several critical factors come into play that can tip the scale toward needing legal counsel. While not all accidents require an accident attorney lawyer, understanding these elements will help clarify your situation.

First off, consider the severity of the incident. If it was a minor fender bender with no injuries and negligible damage, you might manage without legal assistance. However, an accident involving significant damages or injuries is another story altogether. Here’s where experience counts; a skilled accident lawyer can offer valuable guidance through complex claims processes or potential litigation.

Next, assess the clarity of fault in the wreck. Even if you believe the accident was your responsibility, specifics might reveal shared liability or other nuances that only a professional can discern accurately. In some cases, what seems apparent at first glance may warrant further investigation—a realm where legal experts excel.

Furthermore, insurance matters heavily dictate the need for representation. Dealing with insurance companies often involves navigating intricate policies and aggressive negotiations. A seasoned car accident lawyer understands how to handle these discussions to safeguard your interests effectively.

Lastly, let’s not forget about deadlines and statutes of limitations which vary by state. Missing these important legal timelines could jeopardize your right to defend yourself in court or settle a claim satisfactorily.

To sum it up:

  • Severity of damage and injury
  • Clarity and details surrounding fault
  • Navigating complex insurance issues
  • Adhering to critical legal deadlines

All these factors collectively determine whether ‘should I get a car accident lawyer’ leans more towards a yes than a no—especially when striving to ensure optimal outcomes in unfortunate circumstances such as these.

Handling Minor Accidents Without Legal Representation

Handling Minor Accidents Without Legal Representation

Sometimes, after a car wreck—particularly when it’s your fault—you might ask yourself, “Do I need an attorney for an auto accident?” It’s a valid concern. After all, the presence of legal representation can significantly alter the course and outcome of your post-wreck dealings. Yet, believe it or not, there are instances when you may not require an attorney’s assistance.

When thinking about minor accidents, where the damage is limited and no serious injuries have been reported, managing the situation without legal aid could be feasible. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Damage Assessment: Evaluate the extent of damage to both vehicles. If it looks superficial—like dents or scratches—you may resolve matters directly with the other party.
  • Injury Check: Confirm that all parties involved are unharmed. Remember, some injuries aren’t immediately apparent; however, for truly minor incidents, this step helps avoid unnecessary litigation.
  • Insurance Interaction: Your insurance company can manage most aspects of a minor claim without legal guidance. Open communication and honest reporting will help keep things straightforward.

Keep in mind, though: even small fender benders can complicate over time if initially overlooked issues begin to surface. Therefore, maintaining meticulous records from the get-go – photographs of damages, detailed notes on how the incident occurred — protects you against future discrepancies.

Conclusively, while handling minor accidents independently is often more economical and quicker than engaging legal services right away—a watchful eye for possible complications must never waver. Being proactive by having comprehensive insurance coverage and understanding its terms makes these situations easier to navigate sans attorney involvement—but always err on the side of caution if complexities arise.

The Role of an Attorney in a Lawsuit

The Role of an Attorney in a Lawsuit

When involved in a car wreck that is your fault, you might be quick to assume that legal representation isn’t necessary. However, the complexities and potential consequences of litigation highlight the importance of having an experienced attorney for car wrecks on your side.

An accident attorney assesses the situation thoroughly, providing insight into possible defenses and strategies to minimize liability. They navigate through the legal system with proficiency, negotiating settlements, engaging with insurance companies, and representing your interests during court proceedings if needed.

Let’s delve deeper into how their expertise can benefit you after an auto accident where you are deemed at fault.

Benefits of Seeking Legal Advice

  1. Expert Representation: Lawyers auto accident specialists bring invaluable experience to the table. They understand how to present your case effectively, which could lead to a more favorable outcome.
  2. Assessment of Damages: Determining the extent of damages – both physical and material – can be complex. An attorney evaluates these factors expertly to ensure all pertinent costs are considered.
  3. Objective Advice: After a distressing event like a car wreck, emotions may cloud judgment. An accident attorney offers objective counsel on the best course of action.
  4. Negotiation Skills: Attorneys familiar with cases of car wrecks have honed negotiation skills—vital when dealing with insurance claims adjusters or opposing lawyers.
  5. Paperwork and Procedures: There’s a mountain of paperwork and strict deadlines involved in legal processes. Your attorney takes care of these, ensuring no missteps along the way.

Engaging an adept lawyer means you’re not left in the dark about how your case is unfolding or what steps to take next; they guide you through each stage.

Ensuring Compliance with Local Laws

Navigating local laws proves crucial following a car wreck you’re responsible for; it’s imperative not just from a procedural standpoint but also for aligning with specific judicial expectations:

  • Understanding Statutes and Regulations: Different locales have unique traffic laws and insurance requirements that impact cases significantly.
  • Filing Deadlines Compliance: In every jurisdiction, there are critical timelines known as “statutes of limitations.” A failure to file within this timeframe could negate your right to defend yourself legally.
  • Ensuring Fair Proceedings: Local courts have particular ways they handle auto accidents lawsuits. Proficient attorneys know these intricacies well.
  • Appropriate Court Conduct: Lastly, lack of familiarity with courthouse protocol can be detrimental—your lawyer assures adherence to all necessary formalities.

In essence, retaining an accident attorney ensures compliance at every level—it’s their duty to stay abreast with current statutes that directly affect your case.

By understanding the benefits offered by seeking legal advice from seasoned attorneys specialized in navigating car wrecks scenarios—including those where culpability lies on you—you become equipped to face any ensuing challenges head-on while mitigating potential repercussions confidently.

Attorneys play an indispensable role throughout trials—not only facilitating peace-of-mind but also bolstering chances for outcomes more congruent with your interests despite initial adversity such as being at fault in a vehicular incident.



Navigating the aftermath of a car wreck can be an incredibly stressful experience, especially when you’re at fault. This enormous burden often leaves you with a cloud of uncertainty over your head—wondering about insurance matters, potential legal ramifications, and financial consequences.

However, there’s no need for despair. If the accident was minor and straightforward, handling it without a lawyer might be feasible. Simple communication with your insurance company could suffice in such cases. But if the stakes are high—with severe property damage or injuries—it’s generally wise to seek professional legal counsel. A seasoned attorney possesses the intricate knowledge necessary to maneuver through complex legal scenarios that may arise.

Turning to an experienced car wreck lawyer gives you access to expert guidance, helps uphold your rights, and works toward minimizing negative outcomes. An attorney not only addresses immediate concerns but also anticipates long-term implications which might escape the untrained eye.

Remember that each case possesses its own unique set of intricacies. Thus, while this article serves as an informative resource, personal circumstances vary greatly—an important consideration when making your decision.

In essence, securing legal representation is a strategic move aimed at protecting yourself from unexpected challenges and ensuring peace of mind during tumultuous times. Whether or not you believe the car wreck was your fault, an attorney provides clarity amidst confusion and steers you towards a resolution that safeguards your interests.

Drive safely out there and know that should storms gather on your horizon following a motor vehicle mishap—even one caused by you—legal expertise stands ready to help navigate back to calmer waters.

Did you know that what you do in the hours and weeks following the collision can make or break your car accident lawsuit?

Although these post-accident do’s and don’ts from our friends at Cohen & Cohen can’t replace professional advice from a skilled car accident lawyer, they can help you avoid common mistakes car accident victims make that could jeopardize their claim.

Also read:

What happens after a car accident


Even a collision at slow speeds can cause a painful injury like whiplash, seatbelt contusions, or a mild concussion. The feeling you attribute to “just being shaken up” could actually indicate a serious injury. A medical exam identifies the extent of your harm.

Plus, your post-accident medical records are valuable evidence linking your injuries to the accident.


Try to stay off socials as much as you can, actually. There’s a good chance that the other driver’s lawyer or insurance company is checking your Instagram or Facebook for evidence that you aren’t hurt as badly as you claim. Any photos you share or posts you make could be used to discredit you.


Your insurance policy may have a deadline for reporting any accident, even a minor one. If you fail to notify your carrier about the crash, you risk invalidating the policy.

You must also report the accident to the Oregon DMV if anyone is injured or if there is more than $2,500 worth of property damage. State law requires the accident to be reported within 72 hours, or you could face stiff fines.


Don’t be surprised if you receive a call from the other driver’s insurance adjuster asking for a statement about the accident. They may sound very serious and official, but you’re not their customer. You don’t have to say anything to them. The call is often to get information from you that makes it seem like you caused the wreck or at least contributed the greater part of the blame.

Instead, you can refer the insurance adjuster to your lawyer.


Follow the directions your doctor gives you. It will help you have the best possible chance for recovery and demonstrate to the other side that you truly were injured. Your medical records will be part of the information exchanged with the other driver’s lawyer during the discovery phase of your case, so if your records show that you’re skipping appointments or physical therapy, then their lawyer could argue that you’re “faking it.”

Legal Assistance


personal injury attorney can handle all the conversations with the other party on your behalf, including talking to their lawyer or insurance company. In addition, evidence can disappear fast, so the sooner your car accident lawyer gets started on your case, the better. Your car accident lawyer may use this to justify a higher amount for your non-economic (pain and suffering) damages.


Car accidents can be traumatic and life-altering events. From minor fender benders to more severe collisions, these incidents can lead to physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on car accident legal advice, ensuring you understand your rights, responsibilities, and the steps to take following a car accident.



When involved in a car accident, the first step is to understand your legal rights. You have the right to seek compensation for damages if the accident was not your fault. This includes medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages.


One critical aspect of knowing your legal rights after a car accident is understanding the statute of limitations applicable in your jurisdiction. This time frame varies from state to state and can impact your ability to file a personal injury lawsuit. It’s essential to act promptly and consult with an attorney to ensure you don’t miss the deadline, which could result in losing your right to seek compensation.

Immediate Actions After an Accident



Immediate actions taken after a car accident can greatly influence the outcome. Your primary concern should be ensuring safety. If possible, move your vehicle to a safe location away from traffic to prevent further accidents. Additionally, check yourself and others involved in the accident for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call 911 for immediate medical assistance.


Following a car accident, it’s crucial to contact the police, even if the accident seems minor. A police report can provide an unbiased account of the incident, which can be invaluable when dealing with insurance companies and legal proceedings. Cooperate with the responding officers, provide accurate information, and request a copy of the report for your records.


Collect information from all parties involved, including names, contact details, and insurance information.

Seeking Medical Attention Post-Accident



Even if you feel fine, it’s essential to seek medical attention. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and prompt medical evaluation can document your condition.


Keep all medical records and bills related to the accident. These documents will be crucial when seeking compensation.

Dealing with Insurance Companies



Promptly reporting the accident to your insurance company is essential. However, remember to provide only factual information and avoid making statements that may inadvertently suggest fault. Be prepared to share details such as the date, time, location, and a brief description of the accident. Keep in mind that your insurance company is there to assist you, but it’s advisable to consult with an attorney before agreeing to recorded statements or accepting settlements. They can help you navigate the insurance claim process and ensure you receive a fair and just settlement.


Be cautious when dealing with the other driver’s insurance company. Consult with an attorney before providing statements or accepting settlements.
Read: What’s the Difference Between At-Fault and No-Fault Accidents

Legal Assistance



Hiring a Portland personal injury attorney or a car accident attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your car accident case. These experienced professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of personal injury law and can provide valuable guidance from the outset. They will investigate the accident, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court. An attorney’s expertise can help you maximize your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.


The financial aspect of hiring a personal injury attorney is a common concern for accident victims. Fortunately, many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won’t have to worry about upfront legal fees. Instead, your attorney’s fees will be contingent on the outcome of your case. If you win your case and receive compensation, the attorney will take a percentage as their fee. This arrangement not only makes legal representation more accessible but also aligns the attorney’s interests with yours, as they are motivated to secure the best possible outcome for you.

Litigation and Settlement



If negotiations with the insurance company fail, your attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit to seek compensation through the court system.


In many cases, car accident cases are settled out of court. Your attorney will work to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.


If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may go to trial. Your attorney will represent your interests in court.


Car accidents are stressful and challenging experiences, but understanding your legal rights and seeking the right guidance can make a significant difference. Remember to prioritize safety, seek medical attention, and consult with an experienced attorney to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.



After a car accident, ensure safety, contact the police, gather information, and seek medical attention.


The statute of limitations varies by state but typically ranges from one to three years. Consult an attorney for precise deadlines in your jurisdiction.


It’s advisable to consult with an attorney before providing statements or accepting settlements from the other driver’s insurance company.


Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case.


Consult with attorneys who offer free initial consultations and discuss potential fee arrangements, such as contingency fees.

Being involved in a car accident is always a stressful and potentially life-altering event. However, when the other driver involved is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI), it not only adds to the emotional and physical trauma but also brings along legal and financial complications. To protect yourself and ensure a smoother recovery process, here are some essential steps you should take after an accident with a DUI driver.

Understanding the Implications of a DUI Accident

Understanding the Implications of a DUI Accident

A DUI accident refers to a collision or incident caused by a driver operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. It is important to understand the legal consequences and potential damages associated with such accidents.

When a driver gets behind the wheel while under the influence, they not only put their own life at risk but also endanger the lives of others on the road. The effects of alcohol or drugs can impair their judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making them more prone to making mistakes and causing accidents.

Legal Consequences for the DUI Driver

A DUI driver may face severe legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the accident and their prior history. These penalties are in place to deter individuals from driving under the influence and to hold them accountable for their actions.

When law enforcement officers respond to a DUI accident, they conduct investigations to gather evidence and determine the level of impairment. The driver will be subjected to field sobriety tests, breathalyzer tests, or blood tests to establish their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or the presence of drugs in their system. The results of these tests play a crucial role in determining the legal consequences the driver will face.

Potential Damages and Injuries

In a DUI accident, there is a high risk of severe injuries and property damage. The intoxicated driver’s impaired judgment and reduced reaction time significantly increase the chance of accidents resulting in life-altering injuries or, in worst-case scenarios, fatalities.

Victims of DUI accidents may suffer from a wide range of injuries, including broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal organ damage, and severe burns. These injuries can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences for the victims and their families.

Furthermore, the property damage caused by DUI accidents can be extensive. Collisions at high speeds can result in total vehicle destruction, leaving the victims without transportation and facing significant repair or replacement costs.

It is worth noting that DUI accidents not only affect the individuals directly involved but also impact the broader community. These accidents can lead to increased insurance premiums for all drivers, strain on emergency response systems, and a general sense of fear and unease among the public.

Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness about the dangers of driving under the influence and to promote responsible decision-making when it comes to alcohol or drug consumption. By understanding the legal consequences and potential damages associated with DUI accidents, we can work towards creating safer roads for everyone.

Immediate Steps to Take at the Accident Scene

Immediate Steps to Take at the Accident Scene

Once involved in an accident with a DUI driver, it is crucial to prioritize safety and gather vital information for legal and insurance purposes.

Ensuring Safety and Calling Authorities

The first step is to ensure your safety and the safety of others involved. If possible, move to a safe location away from traffic. If anyone is injured, call for medical help immediately. Simultaneously, contact local law enforcement to report the accident and inform them about the suspicion of a DUI driver.

Gathering Necessary Information

While waiting for the authorities to arrive, gather as much information as possible. Record the DUI driver’s details, including their name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance information. Document the accident scene by taking photos or videos, capturing the damaged vehicles, and any visible injuries.

Seeking Medical Attention Post-Accident

Seeking Medical Attention Post-Accident

Even if you feel fine immediately after the accident, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

Importance of Immediate Medical Check-up

Some injuries, such as internal bleeding or whiplash, may not manifest symptoms right away. Only a qualified healthcare professional can provide a comprehensive examination to identify any hidden injuries. Additionally, having a documented medical report can strengthen your case when dealing with insurance claims.

Long-Term Health Implications

Some injuries resulting from a DUI accident can have long-lasting implications on your physical and mental health. Addressing these issues promptly and obtaining appropriate medical care is essential to minimize long-term complications and ensure the best possible recovery.

Reporting the Incident to Your Insurance Company

Reporting the Incident to Your Insurance Company

As soon as possible following the accident, you should report the incident to your insurance company.

Timing and Details of Reporting

Provide your insurance company with accurate and detailed information about the accident, including the DUI driver’s involvement. Be prepared to answer any questions they may have and cooperate fully with their investigation. Prompt reporting is crucial for insurance claim processing.

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

After reporting the incident, your insurance company may assign an insurance adjuster to handle your claim. Be honest and provide all necessary information, emphasizing the involvement of a DUI driver. However, be cautious when providing statements to the DUI driver’s insurance, as they may try to reduce their liability. Consider consulting with a personal injury attorney experienced in DUI accidents to protect your rights throughout the process.

Legal Actions to Consider After a DUI Accident

Legal Actions to Consider After a DUI Accident

If you have been involved in a DUI accident, it is advisable to seek legal guidance to protect your interests and seek potential compensation for your damages.

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury attorney experienced in DUI accidents can help navigate the legal complexities, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your best interests in court if necessary. Their expertise can significantly improve your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Filing a Lawsuit against the DUI Driver

In cases where the DUI driver’s negligence has resulted in severe injuries or significant financial losses, filing a lawsuit may be necessary to hold the driver accountable and seek further compensation. Your personal injury attorney can guide you through the process, ensuring that your rights are protected.

Ryan Hilts - Injury Attorney- Helps those who were involved in DUI Accidents

Finally, remember that each DUI accident case is unique, and seeking legal advice from a personal injury attorney specialized in car accidents and DUI cases is crucial. By taking these steps and working with professionals who understand the complexities of DUI accidents, you can focus on your recovery and secure the necessary support during this challenging time.

Portland, Oregon has a vibrant community with a growing population. With this growth comes increased traffic on the roads, making it essential for residents and visitors to prioritize their safety. Understanding Portland’s road conditions, the role of traffic laws, safe driving practices, and pedestrian and cyclist safety are crucial aspects of preventing personal injuries and accidents. In this article, we will explore these topics and provide valuable tips to help you stay safe on Portland’s roads so you can prevent a Portland personal injury.

Understanding Portland’s Road Conditions


Before we dive into specific safety measures, let’s take a moment to understand the unique road conditions in Portland.

Portland, known for its vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty, is also home to a diverse range of road conditions. From the bustling city streets to the winding roads that lead to breathtaking viewpoints, navigating Portland’s roads requires a keen understanding of the challenges that lie ahead.

One of the most common road hazards in Portland is the presence of potholes. These pesky craters can appear seemingly out of nowhere, posing a threat to both the stability of your vehicle and your overall driving experience. It’s important to keep a vigilant eye on the road ahead, especially after heavy rainfall or during the winter months when potholes tend to multiply.

In addition to potholes, construction zones are a frequent occurrence in Portland. As the city continues to grow and develop, road construction projects are a common sight. While these projects aim to improve the infrastructure, they can also create temporary road hazards, such as narrowed lanes, detours, and uneven pavement. Staying alert and following any posted signs or instructions is crucial to safely navigate through these areas.

Portland’s unique geography also contributes to the challenges faced by motorists. The city is known for its hilly terrain, which can make driving on certain roads a thrilling adventure. However, it’s important to exercise caution when driving uphill or downhill, as the steep inclines can impact your vehicle’s handling and braking capabilities to avoid a car accident.

Follow Portland’s Weather Report before your next commute.


Portland’s roadways present various challenges for motorists, such as potholes, construction zones, and uneven pavement. Being aware of these hazards can help you navigate the roads effectively and avoid potential accidents.

Aside from the physical road hazards, it’s also important to consider the impact of weather conditions on road safety. Given Portland’s rainy climate, rainfall can be a significant factor affecting road conditions. The combination of water and oil residue on the road surface can make it slippery, reducing traction and increasing the risk of accidents. It’s crucial to adjust your driving habits accordingly and allow for additional stopping distance.

Furthermore, Portland experiences occasional snow and ice during the winter months, which can further complicate road conditions. Driving on icy roads requires extra caution, as braking distances increase significantly and the risk of skidding or losing control of your vehicle becomes more prevalent. It’s advisable to equip your vehicle with appropriate winter tires and to drive at reduced speeds to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.


Given Portland’s rainy climate, it’s important to consider how weather conditions can affect road safety. Rainfall can make the roads slippery, reducing traction and increasing the risk of accidents. It’s crucial to adjust your driving habits accordingly and allow for additional stopping distance.

When it comes to road conditions, Portland offers a unique blend of challenges that require drivers to be alert and adaptable. By understanding and respecting the road hazards, as well as adjusting your driving habits to accommodate the weather, you can navigate Portland’s roads with confidence and ensure your safety on your journey through this vibrant city.

Safe Driving Practices in Portland


Implementing safe driving practices is key to preventing accidents on Portland’s roads. Let’s take a closer look at two essential aspects: defensive driving techniques and vehicle maintenance.


Defensive driving involves anticipating and responding to potential hazards on the road. By staying focused, maintaining a safe following distance, and avoiding distractions, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Remember, defensive driving isn’t just about protecting yourself; it also ensures the safety of others on the road.

One important defensive driving technique is maintaining situational awareness. This means constantly scanning the road ahead, checking your mirrors, and being aware of your surroundings. By being alert to potential dangers, such as pedestrians crossing the street or other drivers making sudden lane changes, you can react quickly and avoid collisions.

Another crucial aspect of defensive driving is understanding and obeying traffic laws. This includes following speed limits, using turn signals, and yielding to other drivers when necessary. By adhering to these rules, you contribute to the overall safety and flow of traffic in Portland.

Additionally, defensive driving involves adapting to different road and weather conditions. Portland experiences a variety of weather patterns, including rain, fog, and snow. It is important to adjust your driving behavior accordingly, such as reducing speed and increasing following distance, to ensure optimal safety in these conditions.


Regular vehicle maintenance is critical for safe driving. Make sure to schedule routine checks of your tires, brakes, lights, and other essential components. By keeping your vehicle in optimal condition, you can minimize the chances of mechanical failures that may lead to accidents.

When it comes to tire maintenance, ensure that they are properly inflated and have sufficient tread depth. This will provide optimal grip on the road and reduce the risk of skidding or hydroplaning. Regularly inspect your brakes for any signs of wear or deterioration, as they are crucial for effective stopping power.

Properly functioning lights are essential for visibility, especially during low-light conditions or inclement weather. Regularly check your headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals to ensure they are all working correctly. This will help other drivers see you and anticipate your actions, reducing the risk of collisions.

Furthermore, maintaining a clean windshield, free from cracks or obstructions, is essential for clear visibility. Replace windshield wipers regularly to ensure they effectively remove rain or debris from the windshield, providing a clear view of the road ahead.

Regular oil changes and fluid checks are also important for the overall health of your vehicle. Adequate levels of oil, coolant, and transmission fluid help prevent engine damage and ensure smooth operation. Neglecting these maintenance tasks can lead to engine overheating or other mechanical issues, increasing the risk of accidents.

In conclusion, by practicing defensive driving techniques and prioritizing vehicle maintenance, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents on Portland’s roads. Remember to always stay alert, follow traffic laws, and keep your vehicle in optimal condition for a safe and enjoyable driving experience.

Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety in Portland


Portland, also known as the City of Roses, is not only famous for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture but also for its commitment to promoting walkability and cyclist-friendly infrastructure. As a motorist, it is crucial to be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists who share the roads, ensuring a safe and harmonious coexistence.

When it comes to navigating Portland’s roads as a pedestrian, there are several key considerations to prioritize your safety. First and foremost, always make use of designated crosswalks when crossing the street. These crosswalks are strategically placed throughout the city, providing pedestrians with a safe path to traverse busy intersections. By obeying traffic signals and patiently waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green, you can ensure a smooth and secure journey.

However, crossing at designated crosswalks alone is not enough. It is equally important to make eye contact with drivers before stepping onto the road. This simple action establishes a visual connection between pedestrians and motorists, ensuring that both parties are aware of each other’s presence. Additionally, wearing reflective clothing can significantly increase your visibility, especially during the darker hours of the day. By incorporating reflective elements into your attire, you enhance your chances of being seen by drivers, further reducing the risk of accidents.

Now, let’s shift our focus to the cyclists who contribute to the vibrant cycling culture of Portland. With an extensive network of bike lanes and cycling-friendly infrastructure, it’s no surprise that cycling is a popular means of transportation in the city. To ensure a safe cycling experience, there are a few essential tips to keep in mind.

Firstly, cyclists should always utilize designated bike lanes whenever possible. These lanes provide a dedicated space for cyclists, separating them from motor vehicle traffic and reducing the chances of collisions. By staying within the bike lanes, cyclists can confidently pedal through the city, knowing that they have a designated space to call their own.

Furthermore, signaling intentions is crucial for cyclists. By using hand signals to indicate turns or lane changes, cyclists communicate their next move to motorists, allowing for a smoother flow of traffic and minimizing the risk of unexpected maneuvers. These simple gestures can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of both cyclists and motorists on the road.

Lastly, but certainly not least, wearing a helmet is of utmost importance for cyclists. Helmets provide a vital layer of protection, reducing the risk of head injuries in the event of an accident. By strapping on a helmet before embarking on your cycling journey, you prioritize your safety and set a positive example for others.

It is not only the responsibility of pedestrians and cyclists to prioritize safety but also that of motorists. When sharing the road with cyclists, motorists should give them enough space when passing, ensuring a safe distance between the vehicle and the cyclist. Moreover, being cautious when opening car doors is essential to avoid collisions with passing cyclists. By practicing these safety measures, motorists contribute to the overall safety and well-being of all road users in Portland.

In conclusion, pedestrian and cyclist safety in Portland is a shared responsibility among all road users. By following the guidelines and tips mentioned above, we can create a harmonious environment where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists coexist safely. So, whether you choose to explore the city on foot or by bike, remember to prioritize safety, be mindful of your surroundings, and enjoy the beauty that Portland has to offer.

Responding to Road Accidents


Despite our best efforts, accidents can still occur on Portland’s roads. Knowing how to respond in such situations is crucial.


If you find yourself involved in an accident, prioritize safety above all else. Move your vehicle out of traffic if possible, check for injuries to yourself and others, and call emergency services if necessary. Exchange contact and insurance information with the other party involved, and gather any relevant evidence, such as photos or witness statements.


After an accident, it’s important to seek medical attention, even if you don’t initially feel injured. Some injuries may take time to manifest. Additionally, consider consulting a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and determine if you are eligible for compensation for any damages sustained.

In conclusion, prioritizing safety on Portland’s roads is essential for preventing personal injuries and accidents. By understanding the unique road conditions, adhering to traffic laws, implementing safe driving practices, and respecting pedestrians and cyclists, we can create a safer commuting environment for everyone. Remember, staying safe on the roads is a collective effort that requires vigilance and responsibility from all road users. Stay cautious, stay informed, and arrive at your destination safely.

Driving without auto insurance is a risky game to play. It leaves drivers vulnerable to legal and financial liabilities that can have long-term consequences. In this article, we will explore the dangers of driving without auto insurance, the legal consequences, and the financial risks associated with such a decision.

  1. Understanding Auto Insurance
  2. Legal Consequences
  3. Financial Risks
  4. Future Insurance Risks

Understanding Auto Insurance in Oregon

1. Understanding Auto Insurance

What is Auto Insurance?

Auto insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurance company that protects the individual against financial loss in the event of an accident or theft. Auto insurance can cover damages caused by the individual, damages to the individual’s vehicle, and damages caused by other drivers.

Auto insurance is a crucial purchase for any driver, as it provides financial protection in the event of an accident or theft. Without auto insurance, drivers would be responsible for paying for any damages or injuries they cause out of their own pockets. This can be financially devastating, especially in the case of a serious accident.

Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

There are several types of auto insurance coverage, each of which provides a different level of protection. Liability coverage is the most basic form of coverage, and it covers damages caused by the individual to other drivers or their property. This can include medical expenses, property damage, and other costs associated with an accident.

Collision coverage covers damages to the individual’s vehicle, regardless of who is at fault for the accident. This can include repairs or replacement of the vehicle, as well as any other costs associated with the accident.

Comprehensive coverage covers damages caused by theft, weather, or other non-collision events. This can include damage from natural disasters, vandalism, or other unforeseen events.

How Auto Insurance Premiums are Determined

Auto insurance premiums are determined based on a variety of factors, including the individual’s driving record, age, gender, and location. Additionally, the type of vehicle being insured can also impact the cost of premiums.

Drivers with a history of accidents or traffic violations are typically considered higher risk, and will pay higher premiums as a result. Younger drivers and male drivers are also considered higher risk, and may pay higher premiums than older or female drivers.

The location of the driver can also impact the cost of premiums, as certain areas may have higher rates of accidents or theft. Additionally, the type of vehicle being insured can impact the cost of premiums, as more expensive or high-performance vehicles may be more costly to repair or replace in the event of an accident.

Overall, it is important for drivers to carefully consider their auto insurance needs and shop around for the best coverage and rates. By understanding the different types of coverage available and the factors that impact the cost of premiums, drivers can make informed decisions and ensure they are adequately protected in the event of an accident or theft.

Legal Consequence without car Insurance

2. Legal Consequences of Driving Uninsured

Driving without auto insurance is not only illegal, but it can also have serious consequences. Here are some additional details about the legal ramifications of driving uninsured:

Fines and Penalties

The fines and penalties for driving uninsured can vary widely depending on the state in which the violation occurs. In some states, the fines can be as low as $100, while in others, they can be as high as $5,000. In addition to fines, drivers may also be required to pay court costs and other fees. These costs can quickly add up, making it much more expensive to drive without insurance than to simply obtain the required coverage.

License Suspension and Vehicle Impoundment

Many states also have laws that allow for the suspension of a driver’s license or the impoundment of their vehicle if they are caught driving without insurance. This can be a major inconvenience, as it can make it difficult for the individual to get to work or school. In addition, if the vehicle is impounded, the driver will be responsible for paying the impound fees, which can also be quite expensive.

SR-22 Requirements

Some states require drivers who have been caught driving without insurance to file an SR-22 form. This is a certificate of financial responsibility that shows that the individual has obtained the required insurance coverage. However, filing an SR-22 form can be expensive, and insurance premiums for individuals required to file the form are often significantly higher than for those who are not.

It’s important to note that even if you are not caught driving without insurance, the financial risks of being uninsured are still significant. If you are involved in an accident and do not have insurance, you could be held personally liable for any damages or injuries that result. This could result in financial ruin, as medical bills and property damage can quickly add up.

So if you’re thinking about driving uninsured, think again. The risks are simply too great. Instead, make sure you have the required insurance coverage so that you can drive with peace of mind.

Financial Risk with no vehicle insurance

3. Financial Risks of Driving without Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is a necessity for all drivers, as it provides financial protection in the event of an accident. However, many individuals choose to drive without insurance, either due to financial constraints or a lack of understanding of the risks involved. Driving without insurance can have serious financial consequences, including:

Paying for Damages Out-of-Pocket

If an individual causes an accident while driving without insurance, they will be responsible for paying for damages out-of-pocket. This can be a costly endeavor, and without insurance, the individual may be unable to cover the full cost of damages. In some cases, the cost of damages can be so high that the individual may be forced to declare bankruptcy or sell off assets to cover the costs.

Personal Liability in Accidents

Driving without insurance also leaves individuals vulnerable to personal liability in accidents. If the individual causes an accident that results in injury or property damage, they can be held personally liable for the cost of damages. This means that the individual may be forced to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to the accident out-of-pocket.

Furthermore, if the individual is sued for damages, they may be required to pay for legal fees and court costs, which can add up quickly.

Long-term Financial Consequences

Driving without insurance can also have long-term financial consequences. Individuals who are caught driving without insurance may find it difficult to obtain insurance in the future, and when they do, they may be subjected to significantly higher premiums. This is because insurance companies view individuals who have driven without insurance as high-risk drivers, and therefore, charge them more for coverage.

Additionally, driving without insurance can lead to a suspended license or even jail time in some states. This can have a negative impact on an individual’s ability to work and earn income, further exacerbating their financial situation.

It is important for all drivers to understand the risks of driving without insurance and to obtain adequate coverage to protect themselves and others on the road.

In Oregon, the minimum financial penalty for driving uninsured is $135, but that can escalate to a maximum of $1,000.

Future risks with driving without auto insurance

4. Increased Premiums and Difficulty Obtaining Insurance

High-Risk Driver Classification

Individuals who are caught driving without insurance are often classified as high-risk drivers by insurance companies. This can make it more difficult for them to obtain insurance in the future, and when they do, they may be subjected to significantly higher premiums.

Being classified as a high-risk driver can be a major setback for individuals who rely on their vehicles to get to work or school. Without insurance, they may be unable to legally operate a vehicle, which can lead to missed opportunities and lost income. In addition, the financial burden of high premiums can be overwhelming, especially for those who are already struggling to make ends meet.

Limited Insurance Options

Being classified as a high-risk driver can also limit an individual’s insurance options. They may be unable to obtain the same level of coverage as other drivers, and they may have to settle for expensive, limited coverage.

For example, a high-risk driver may only be able to obtain liability coverage, which covers damages to other people and their property in the event of an accident. This means that if the high-risk driver is at fault for an accident, they will not receive any compensation for damages to their own vehicle. This can be a major financial burden, as repairs or replacement of a vehicle can be costly.

Higher Premiums for Future Coverage

Individuals who are caught driving without insurance can also expect to pay higher premiums for future coverage. Insurance companies may view them as a higher risk, and as a result, they may charge them higher premiums for coverage.

This can be a major deterrent for individuals who are trying to get back on track after being caught driving without insurance. The higher premiums can make it difficult for them to afford coverage, which can lead to continued financial strain and potential legal consequences if they are caught driving without insurance again.

See penalties with driving without auto insurance in Oregon


Are you an uninsured motorist in Oregon? Driving without auto insurance is not only illegal but also extremely risky. It can leave individuals vulnerable to legal and financial liabilities that can have long-term consequences. The best way to protect oneself against these risks is to obtain the necessary auto insurance coverage.

In an auto accident and a party does not have auto insurance? Contact us today.

Whenever you are in a motor vehicle, there is a risk of getting into an accident. Whether you are part of a minor fender bender or a big injury incident, knowing ahead of time what to do can prevent costly mistakes with your claim. Here we have discussed what to do after a collision so that when you notify your insurance and are seeking compensation, you receive the fair amount you deserve. Most people who are in auto accidents will sustain some degree of physical injury from impact, along with financial hardships from property damage and loss of wages.  Below are some helpful insurance tips. 

Uninsured? Read Oregon Uninsured Motorist Laws

Choosing the Right Insurance Policy

When purchasing your insurance, carefully look over your coverage before signing to assess if the policy limits, coverages, and deductibles are appropriate for your needs. After you get your policy, read over the declaration page, which will list the names of covered drivers and the vehicles insured. Make sure this information is correct, and if it isn’t, notify your insurer right away. Becoming familiar with your insurance company and policy is a great way to know what you are covered for if you have to file a claim. Read through your policy entirely and highlight the main points so you understand what is covered, and what is excluded. 

Immediate Actions to Take After an Accident

If you are in an accident, stop and move only if it is safe for you to do so. Call 911 so that anyone who is injured can get medical attention immediately. An officer will likely arrive at the scene, in which you can tell them what happened through your perspective. Stick to facts only and do not place blame, as that is something your insurance company is going to handle for you later. A police report will entail facts pertaining to the incident and can be influential in proving fault. 

Gathering Evidence and Witness Information at the Scene

Other elements of proof that will be useful include photographs of your visible injuries, property damage to both vehicles, glass or debris in the road, and the whole scene. Video footage helps as well. If there were bystanders or passengers who saw what happened, ask for their name and contact so your personal injury lawyer can reach out to them for a statement. Before leaving the scene, be sure to gather the following from the other driver:

  • First and last name

  • Driver’s license number

  • Current address

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • Insurance company name

  • Phone number for their insurance company

  • Vehicle license plate number

  • Vehicle description and color

Filing a Claim and the Importance of Legal Assistance

After you file a claim with your insurance company, they will reach out for more details regarding your injuries and any financial loss you accumulated. Your insurance may ask you to provide a written or recorded statement. But as our friends from Cohen & Cohen knows, it’s best to contact a lawyer before offering your statement. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies use this as a way to get claimants to make statements that will reduce the value of or allow them to deny the claim. Despite insurance companies supposedly being there when people need them, many find that it is exactly the opposite. For this reason, it’s wise to consider meeting with a legal team so that you are protected during this time. 

For more insurance tips, contact us!

Actions to be taken immediately after the car accident:

Whether your injuries resulting from a car accident are relatively minor or very serious, you should seek immediate medical attention for you and anyone injured in the accident. You may not experience any immediate discomfort as the adrenaline masks the pain, but once you have had a chance to recover, you may start to notice symptoms.

Prioritize the immediate well-being of everyone impacted by the accident by providing first aid, calling the police and paramedics, and exchanging information. Whenever possible, you must give your contact information to the other driver, the other car’s occupants, and any wounded pedestrians or property owners. Names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance details must be shared  with the other party involved in the accident.  While this is the bare minimum that must be reported, you should always collect additional information, such as contact information for any witnesses, a detailed description of any damage, photographs of the scene of the accident, and a full account of the accident. 

If anybody is injured or killed due to the accident, or if your vehicle sustains damage in excess of $1,500, or if your vehicle is towed from the site of the accident, you must file an Oregon Accident and Insurance Report with the Oregon DMV within three days from the date of the accident. Police stations, sheriff’s offices, DMV field offices, and the DMV’s website have accident report forms and detailed instructions on reporting accidents.

Actions to be taken immediately after the car accident

Things you should NOT do after a car accident:

Do not give a statement to the other drivers. 

If you were in an accident, the only thing you need to provide to the other driver is your contact information and insurance information. The other drivers and/or their insurance company may try to pin the blame for the accident on you if you give them statements about what happened. They may also try to get you to admit to not being hurt directly following the accident.  They may try to avoid taking responsibility for their actions by telling the police and their insurance company that they were not at fault for the collision. 

Do not give a statement to the other driver’s insurance company.

Do not give a statement to the other driver’s insurance company about the accident or your medical care. 

File a Claim with your Own Insurance Company.

In order to file a claim following your vehicle accident in Oregon, you must first alert your insurance company.  You must help the insurance company investigate the claim in accordance with the terms of your policy. If you’ve been injured in Portland, Oregon, it’s in your best interest to hire a personal injury attorney to protect your interests and handle the legal aspects of pursuing financial compensation while you focus on getting well. Do not provide any insurance company (including your own) a written or recorded statement and do not sign any paperwork until you have spoken with your personal injury attorney. 

Tell the insurance company’s adjusters to contact your attorney instead. By getting an experienced attorney involved, you won’t have to talk to the insurance company alone. 

Keep in mind that insurance companies are multibillion dollar corporations that want to maximize profits at the expense of minimizing payouts on claims. If you don’t have an attorney defending your interests, the insurance company will try to convince you to settle for less than you deserve or try to get you to sign documents that don’t reflect the full extent of your injuries and losses. 

Reimbursement for property damage incurred as a result of the accident.

Collision insurance is the policy that pays to fix or replace your car if it is damaged in an accident in Oregon.  This protection is optional in Oregon, so make sure to add it to your policy.  Without collision insurance, you will have to pay for the repairs yourself. 

If you have collision coverage or are not considered at fault, most disputes about car repairs can be settled by contacting your own or the other driver’s insurance provider directly. The costs of fixing your car after an Oregon traffic collision will be covered entirely by your insurance provider (if the cost of repairs does not exceed the value of the vehicle). Your car should be restored to its pre-accident condition at no cost to you. It’s possible that the accident will lower your car’s resale value, even after repairs are made. In such cases, you can file a diminished value claim in Oregon to seek compensation for the difference in value from before and after the accident. 

If the cost of repairs exceeds the worth of the car, the insurance company will declare it a “total loss”, and you will be reimbursed for its fair market value plus any applicable taxes and title fees. What this means is that you should be compensated for the market value of your car.

Our experienced Oregon Car Accident Attorneys can help you establish your claim and determine who is responsible for compensating you for your injuries.  It is highly recommended that you seek the advice of our experienced Oregon Car Accident Attorney at Ryan Hilts Law. You may safeguard your right to fair compensation by hiring our experienced Oregon Car Accident Attorney at Ryan Hilts Law. Our experienced Oregon Car Accident Attorney at Ryan Hilts Law are practicing in Portland Oregon, Lake Oswego, and the surrounding areas. 

The risk of being involved in an auto accident does not go away just because you’re on the job. Jobs including truck and bus driving, contracting, delivery, and sales all demand regular travel for their employees. It’s not uncommon for an office worker to be requested to use their personal vehicle to do an errand. It’s no secret that auto accidents are a major contributor to the rise of everyday workplace injuries.

Common on the job activities that increase the risk of getting into an auto accident

It’s common to associate auto accidents with the commute to and from work. However, many people need to drive to and from work every day. Employment in many fields demands regular use of a motor vehicle, such as truck driving, mobile sales, sales agenting, traveling nursing, and caregiving.

Everyone hopes they won’t be involved in a car accident, but as per the most recent statistics released by the Oregon State Transportation Department, unfortunately car accidents are a common occurrence in Oregon as approximately 55,000 crashes occur annually in Oregon. Due to the prevalence of traffic accidents, people whose jobs require them to drive are at a much higher risk of being hurt in one themselves.

An employee who is injured in an auto accident on the job may be eligible for workers’ compensation even if the accident was not their fault. A few such scenarios where an individual may have a valid claim following an automobile crash include:

  • Injured truck driver
  • caregiver commuting from one workplace to another
  • Couriers
  • Sales associates en route to or from a customer appointment
  • Accidents involving utility workers and their work vehicles
  • Construction workers operating heavy vehicles

Oregon Work Auto Accidents

Are on the job auto accidents covered by workers compensation?

Most auto accidents that occur on the job are covered by workers’ compensation. Your workers’ compensation benefits will cover payment for any necessary medical care, time off work, or retraining.

But not all auto accidents on the job count as qualified accidents. As a workers’ compensation lawyer, I am frequently asked if an injured worker could file a claim if the injury occurred on the way to or from work. Unless the employee can provide evidence that travel is necessary for the performance of their job, the answer is likely to be negative. You can evaluate your claim possibility by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Was this a business trip?
  • Is regular travel a requirement of your position?
  • Do you get paid for the time you spend traveling for work?
  • Does your employer know if the auto accident happened on their property?

Get in touch with our experienced Portland workers compensation attorney who can offer a first free consultation and evaluate your case to advice you on the getting the best possible outcome and the highest amount of workers’ compensation.

I was involved in an automobile accident and suffered injuries. Do we file a claim with the state’s department of motor vehicles or with the state’s department of workers’ compensation?

If you are hurt while driving for work and file a claim, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits and may also be able to sue the negligent vehicle driver.

Quick medical attention is necessary after any kind of injury accident. During the time of the automobile accident, you should have been at work, so be sure to let your doctor know this. The next step is to fill out Section A of Form 801 for Oregon Workers’ Compensation. You should keep a copy and have your company fill out and file the bottom section. Verify with your employer that they have submitted the paperwork to the workers’ compensation carrier.

Your workers’ compensation insurance provider will most likely mail you an incomprehensible letter within the next few days. The letter you might receive will request a response regarding the auto accident claim.  In the event that you do not respond to this letter within 60 days, the workers’ compensation insurer responsible for paying your medical expenditures will assume responsibility for the claim. If you decide to pursue the claim but wait more than 90 days to do so, the paying workers’ compensation insurer will take over the case.

Get in touch with our committed Portland workers’ compensation attorneys right away!

An experienced Portland workers compensation attorney has devoted their entire professional life to advocating for the rights of wounded employees and their loved ones. An experienced Portland workers compensation attorney takes the time to get to know their clients and their cases and fully comprehend their needs because they know the toll a work-related accident or sickness can take on an individual and his or her loved ones.

Our attorneys believe that informing injured workers about the workers’ compensation system is the best way to give them hope and relief. Our attorneys are proud to receive recommendations from other attorneys and organizations who recognize their dedication and value their expertise in handling difficult workers compensation matters.

Here’s what you can do.

According to the Oregon Department of Transportation, drunk driving accounted for 1,783 of the total auto accidents in . Under the Oregon vehicle code, driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more in non-commercial drivers or .04% or more in commercial drivers is a punishable offense in Oregon which can result in a fine or jail, or both.

Oregon’s insurance system provides accident victims with more flexibility than in many other states. Oregon requires all drivers to carrying Personal Injury Protection (PIP) medical insurance of a minimum amount of $15,000.  PIP will also pay 70% of lost wages, up to $3,000 per month.  If the accident was caused by someone else, PIP will be reimbursed from the at-fault insurance company.  Injured parties can also file a claim against the at-fault insurance company for reimbursement of economic and non-economic (pain and suffering) damages.

Our experienced Oregon car accident attorneys at Ryan Hilts law can assist you in pursuing financial compensation against drunk drivers.

What to do after getting hit by a drunk driver in Oregon

Details of your case, such as the extent of your injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and any other losses will determine the amount of compensation you will receive as a result of your injuries.

In Oregon, there are time restrictions for filing a claim for damages following a drunk driving accident, known as the “statute of limitations.” There are also additional deadlines that must be met depending on certain circumstances.  Do not hesitate to call a lawyer immediately so that all deadlines are met and you are able to pursue your claim.

Our experienced Oregon Auto Accident Attorneys can help you establish your claim and determine who is responsible for compensating you for your injuries. Insurance companies try to settle claims for as little as possible. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you seek the advice of our experienced Oregon Auto Accident Attorneys at Ryan Hilts Law. You may safeguard your right to fair compensation by hiring our experienced Oregon Auto Accident Attorneys at Ryan Hilts Law. Our experienced Oregon Auto Accident Attorneys at Ryan Hilts Law are practicing in Portland Oregon, Lake Oswego, and the surrounding areas. You can contact our experienced Oregon Auto Accident Attorney here.